Office 2016 language pack windows installer
Office 2016 language pack windows installer

office 2016 language pack windows installer

So bringing up command prompt and running DISM command should launch it. If you are running Windows 10, the DISM tool comes pre-installed and is located in System32 folder. It’s a command line tool and can be used to service wim and virtual hard disk files. To service and prepare you images, we use DISM tool.

office 2016 language pack windows installer

If you are using SCCM, you would have installed Windows ADK as a prerequisite. In addition language packs can be downloaded from Microsoft volume licensing site. A list of all language packs available for windows 10 are listed here. You need to know the locale before you add the LP to wim file. cab files and are usually named with their locale. The second method is what we are going to cover in this post. Get the wim file and using DISM add the language packs. Capture the OS and then use this captured wim file and deploy this wim file. Deploy the OS and install all the language packs. There are two ways to simplify this task. In large deployments, you might want to install the additional language packs for OS that you deploy. This is a tedious task especially when you have more than one language packs to be installed. So if one needs a different language pack, it has to be installed manually. In Windows 7, language packs can be installed only from the Optional Updates section in Windows Update. When you deploy operating system using SCCM, you deploy it with a specific language pack.


We will see how to use Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) to add additional language packs to a wim file. This post covers the steps to add language packs offline using DISM.

Office 2016 language pack windows installer